Solar Panel Installed on A Roof In Montana

About Big Sky Solar

Mike Sudik, Founder and President
Working with solar panels in Montana since 1998. NABCEP Solar certified in 2008. Northwestern Energy approved solar installer. Montana licensed electrician.

Mike Sudik, PresidentBig Sky Solar Truck

Kirk Foreman, Electrician
Founder of 4M Electric for over 35 years. Bringing years of experience, clients and good times.

Kirk Foreman TrenchingKirk 'old man' Foreman

Steven Fisher
Working with Big Sky Solar since 2013 Steven has brought many talents to our company. He is our lead solar installer and a licensed Montana Residential Electrician.

Steve FisherSteven Fisher working on a pole mount solar system in Montana

Skyler Siegle
Working with Big Sky Solar since 2016 Skyler has brought many talents to our company. He is a registered electrical apprentice, solar installer and off-grid technician.

Skyler Siegle working at Miller CreekSkyler working on a roof in Big Arm

Location Map

We‘re open from 7AM to 7PM. We might be on-site so an appointment is highly advisable before your visit.

1308 River St, Missoula, MT 59801

